Wednesday, February 12, 2014

4. Cabiria

Cabiria (Dir. Giovanni Pastrone, an Italian film epic starring Italia Almirante-Manzini, Lidia Quaranta, Bartolomeo Pagano) may be watched or downloaded by clicking here.

Silent Era website provides film details and full feature here.

Summary: A sprawling, elaborate and sumptuously mounted Italian historical epic based on Emilio Salgari's 1908 novel Carthage in Flames. Adapted to screen by poet Gabriel D'Annunzio, Cabiria tells the story of the Second Punic War (218 B.C.) from the point of view of a small girl, Cabiria, who is kidnapped by pirates, sold into slavery and offered as a human sacrifice to the god Moloch by a wicked priesthood. 

Great mugging, wild costumes, volcanic eruptions, big battles, vast crowd scenes, and elephants, elephants, elephants (Hannibal crossing the Alps!) make this film the great-grand daddy of all epic crowd pleasers. Just imagine the wrap party. Wow.

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