Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2. Photo-Drama of Creation

Watch or download the "Photodrama of Creation" by clicking here.

Photo-Drama of Creation (Dir. Charles Taze Russell) won its No. 2 spot in 1914 through sheer momentum and a clever marketing scheme called "free admission."

Weighing in at a whopping 480 minutes in length, it certainly needed some kind of marketing gimmick to make people sit still, and apparently Russell found just the right mix!

Funded by fundamentalists, Russell spent two years making this eight-hour Christian epic, which retold the story of Genesis in four parts. He combined film acting with synchronized sound, music and color slides. 

In fact, thanks to his innovative use of phonographic sound, some consider this film the first "talkie." To see the lips moving and hear a human voice really wowed the crowd. 

An estimated 9 million people in America and Europe watched the Photo-Drama of Creation, making it one of the most popular films of its time.

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