Wednesday, February 12, 2014

14. The Aftermath

Above: Virginia Belle Pearson, c. 1918.  

The Aftermath (Dir. Sydney Ayres) starred William Garwood, Viviane Rich, Owen Moore, Virginia Pearson and Harry von Meter may be watched online via a commercial site, here.

Listed only as a "short drama" written by George A. Posner, The Aftermath may be considered a very silent film indeed.  Almost no description may be found.

Director Sydney Ayres (1879 - 1916) directed more than 16 films in the year 1914 -- more than one a month.  As a New York director, his methods may be considered a classic example of pre-Hollywood film making: He was a respected actor who simply bought some camera equipment and began cranking. He died, tragically, of Multiple Sclerosis in 1916 at age 37. 

Wikipedia's detailed filmography for actor Harry von Meter suggests that The Aftermath was just another one-reeler for him: he made 45 films in 1914 (almost one per week).  

In 1914 actress Virginia Pearson not only starred in The Aftermath but also appeared opposite Theda Bara in The Stain. She made 51 films in a career spanning from 1910 to 1932.

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